We need YOU in Indianapolis !!!
Attending the annual NAIFA-Indiana Legislative Day on the Hill is your opportunity to participate in the political process. NAIFA-Indiana protects your career before the Legislature. OUR voices must be heard...and WE can’t do it without YOU!
Learn about Advocacy efforts, how we can influence the political process, and how an issue becomes a law
Attend the briefing session and learn about the issues important to our industry that are facing your State Lawmakers
Visit with your State Lawmakers and discuss key issues
Attend complementary luncheon with other attendees and members of the Indiana General Assembly
Greg Boyer or Jim Hardee will be happy to assist with
making your appointments and/or attending with you.
Lunch, drinks and dessert will be provided
3 Easy Ways to Register (by March 13th) :
1) Register here online at NAIFA-Indiana website
2) Click here to register by mail or to print a flyer
3) Call 317-844-6268
Need some guidance on getting the most out of the Day on the Hill experience?
We've prepared a time line document to Invite & Engage Your Legislators! to help you.
Need to look up who your legislators are so you can set up appointments and invite them for lunch?
Please log here all of your legislator interactions and relationships with NAIFA National.
NAIFA/SFSP members - Free
Big I Indiana - $0 ( $20 paid by Big I Indiana after the event is over)
Non-members: $20
OneAmerica Tower
200 N Illinois St
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Suggested Parking: OneAmerica Tower Garage, 1 American Sq.
Wednesday, March 18, 2025
From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
NAIFA-Indiana and our partners help protect your career before the Indiana Legislature.
YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED to support this effort.
Learn about Advocacy efforts, how we can influence the political process, and how an issue becomes a law
Attend the briefing session and learn about the issues important to our industry that are facing your State Lawmakers
Visit with your State Lawmakers and discuss key issues
Attend complementary luncheon with other attendees and members of the Indiana General Assembly
Now Is A Good Time to Review Your IFAPAC Contribution Status
We thank you for your continued financial support as we strive to lobby on behalf of our clients and our industry.
Attending the Day on The Hill is a great way for you to better understand why your contributions are important to our industry. Without your support, our power to
meet with and influence those who govern us and
make sure your and your clients' needs are heard and addressed would be greatly weakened.
For your convenience, below are 2 ways to contribute: